Sort Button
Dennis Scholz
Consolidating in 10.3 is possible for each separate storage, and storages show an icon what type they are.
At least, you can colorise the names of the containers and collapse them
Jarren M
can i upvote this twice XD
Mel Thomas
It would be a lot easier if there was just an icon too in the stockpiles that showed what type of stockpile it was.
Dennis Scholz
Allow us to sort within a subset of stockpiles, instead of the intimidating button that sorts across, presumably, all accessible stockpiles.
Kevin White (Jacklifear)
Elaborating on this. Sometimes when you share stockpiles in an area, sorting foods out of order can be a disaster.
Potentially even sorting options would be nice, such as "lowest quality first" for spoiling items. Also sort by tags before alphabetical, just options to help.
Marek m0rz
Kevin White (Jacklifear): the ability to lock individual slots in storages would Help with that too. You May have slots for 0-10%, 10-20%, etc. Just Like in Shops. And that sorting Button would be much less intimidating by that too.