I believe this game do not utilize day and night cycles although they are built into a game.
For starters light levels during the night should be much lover particularly in covered spaces starting with forests, inside buildings and in particularly in mines.
There are many light source objects that can/should be used inside houses and mines if you want to work during the night.
I suggest reducing light level during the night:
  • under open sky to 40% of current light lvl
  • inside buildings (with roof) to 25% of current light lvl if walls consist of at least 50% of non solid blocks (wall, cube, floor, ...)
  • in woods (determined by number of trees in 10 block radius around player) to 20% of current light lvl
  • inside buildings (with roof) to 15% of current light lvl if walls consist of less than 50% of non solid blocks (wall, cube, floor, ...)
  • in underground mine to 10% of current lvl
... all taking into account that currently light lvl reduces a bit during the night
This change should encourage players to build appropriate light system in areas they want to work at night.
As a quick solution just reducing light lvl at night to 20% of current settings will do the trick.